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Why You Should Mind Your Focus.

Have you ever considered that maybe you're the cause of your problems? I know that's something most people don't want to hear, but maybe it's a good thing. If you're the source of your problems, you're also the source of your solutions right? What's more powerful than that feeling? Not much. Let's analyze this further.

How exactly would you be the source of your own problems? It's actually much easier to visualize this than you think.

Victimhood Mindset - "I can't accomplish *this goal* because *this person/group* won't let me." The problem with this line of thinking is that if someone is responsible for your failures, they must also be responsible for your successes, stripping you further of your power to live well. It also feeds into a lack of accountability and responsibility on your part. Those 2 things are key to crafting the life that you want.

Extreme pessimism - These kinds of people tend to find a problem for every solution. Pessimists can create a problem out of thin air and see it through to the completion of failure.

Self-defeating thoughts and statements - "I'm not good enough." "This person got this because they're prettier than me." "There's no way I can keep up with everyone else." These statements generally begin with I can't, I don't, or I'm not.

How many of these things have you allowed yourself to be afflicted with at some point? Are you currently experiencing some of these things? You may not realize it, but you are disempowering yourself in a major way. instead of acting from your true nature as a powerful, creative force, you act as a shell of yourself due to social programming.

That's ok. You didn't know better. However, you will after you read this post.


What if I told you that living the life you want is as simple as retraining your brain to focus on what you actually want?

For example: let's take these 2 statements.

"I want to win."

"I don't want to lose."

Which statement is more appealing?

I hope you said statement 1.

Why 1 though? One reason. Focus. Statement 1 focuses on winning. Statement 2 focuses on losing. When you focus on something, your energy and vibration begin to align with it to bring more of it to you. If you champion statement 1, you have begun to bring winning to you.

Your focus is important, which is why people generally are distracted with so many things outside of themselves. A divided focus is easily tampered with and programmed. Once this happens, you begin to draw all kinds of unwanted things into your life. You can stop this though.


How? Simple brain retraining. One question can set you on the right path. “What is it that I truly want?” Many people focus on what they do not want and wonder why it pops up in their life all of the time. “I don’t want to be late.” You end up 15 minutes late.What you should really say is “I want to be early/on time.” The first statement focuses on tardiness. The second statement focuses on punctuality.

The next ingredient is feeling good about it. Why do you want to be on time? “When I’m on time, I have the ability to be fully present and engaged with everyone I’m interacting with. It also gives me more time to complete the tasks I want to which brings me a sense of fulfillment.” How good does that sound?

“I don’t want to be late because I’m flustered, disorganized, and distracted as a result of feeling like I have to catch up. When I feel rushed, my work and relationships suffer.” Quite a different tale right? And it’s all from focus. Change your focus, and change your life.


What we are stepping away from is called negation in English grammar. Negation language is essentially protest language, affirming that something is not the case. The downside of this is it also affirms what we do not want, which in essence, draws it ever closer to us. Negation language should be used very sparingly, if at all, when we are deliberately trying to craft our lives. There are appropriate situations for negation language, such as when we are affirming whether or not a certain event happened.

Example: "Has the rent been paid yet?" Answer: "No, it has not." This is using negation to confirm a response.

However, when we are trying to connect with ourselves and others, negation language is deadly as we can see in the above example of tardiness. Negation language generally teaches you to focus on what you do not want in an attempt to refute it. Realize that the universe does not hear "no" when you are affirming your desires. It only hears what you focus on.

Here is a list of common negation words. Count how many times you use them in a day in your thoughts and speech and correlate this to how your life is presently going.

no, not, neither, never, no one, nobody, none, nor, nothing, nowhere.

Also, beware of prefixes that encourage negation language such as de-, dis-, and un- as well as the suffix -less.

All of these have the potential to subtly derail you on your road to deliberate manifestation. Be vigilant in your focus on what you truly want, not protesting what you don't want.

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