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My Recent Posts


Why It's Important to Believe That You Are Redeemable and 3 Reasons Why We Seek Redemption.
It’s in our nature to change. It’s in our nature to seek something higher than what we are now. It’s in our nature to seek change. It’s in o

3 Questions to Ask to Stay Mindful About Giving Happily.
You must be adaptable and abundant in the ways that you think about giving. Here are 3 quick questions to ask yourself when you are in the p

How I Got Them Big Boy Letters - An Interview With Uncle Hotep
Today I have a special interview for you. I recently got a chance to sit down and speak with the infamous Uncle Hotep AKA Handy Mayhem on...

How to Spot Environmental Estrogens to Live a Fully Optimized Life - An Interview with Jay Campbell
Today I have a very special interview for you. Recently I had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Jay Campbell of...

The Importance of Using Social Media to Challenge Your Belief System and Grow
What if I told you that many people get on social media as a way to validate their own beliefs instead of *challenging* them? Pretty...

What's the Difference Between Appreciation and Gratitude?
Time. Or should I say the past to be more specific. What if I told you that gratitude wasn’t the way? What if gratitude is actually...

Why Seasonal Awareness is the Key to Increasing Your Productivity
What if I told you that your distance from common sense and nature is affecting your success? Would you believe me? This is most apparent...

10 Benefits of Magnesium Supplementation You're Missing Out On.
It is estimated that at least 50% of Americans are magnesium deficient which can result in poor sleep quality, diabetes, anxiety and depress

Why I Don't Depend Solely on Food For My Nutritional Needs
Most of the food that we consume today is nothing like what our parents and grandparents were consuming. It's not as nutrient dense, sun
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